pg_timetable has a rich REST API, which can be used by external tools in order to perform start/stop/reinitialize/restarts/reloads, by any kind of tools to perform HTTP health checks, and of course, could also be used for monitoring.

Below you will find the list of pg_timetable REST API endpoints.

8.1. Health check endpoints

GET /liveness

Always returns HTTP status code 200, indicating that pg_timetable is running.

GET /readiness

Returns HTTP status code 200 when the pg_timetable is running, and the scheduler is in the main loop processing chains. If the scheduler connects to the database, creates the database schema, or upgrades it, it will return the HTTP status code 503.

8.2. Chain management endpoints

GET /startchain?id=<chain-id>

Returns HTTP status code 200 if the chain with the given id can be added to the worker queue. It doesn’t, however, mean the chain execution starts immediately. It is up to the worker to perform load and other checks before starting the chain. In the case of an error, the HTTP status code 400 followed by an error message returned.

GET /stopchain?id=<chain-id>

Returns HTTP status code 200 if the chain with the given id is working at the moment and can be stopped. If the chain is running the cancel signal would be sent immediately. In the case of an error, the HTTP status code 400 followed by an error message returned.